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Literature can change lives. That’s why we collect good books and donate carefully curated libraries to institutions working with children and young people in difficult circumstances.

Donating is loving

Help us ignite the love of reading in the children and adolescents that need it the most. Every dollar and krone counts and is deeply appreciated.

Our work

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IBAN account number: DK0830000011748775

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Læs for livet


Reading reduces stress

At-risk children and adolescents often live in a chaotic world. Studies show that reading is one of the most effective methods to reduce stress.


Difficult school years

Frequent school change, learning disabilities and other problems are far more common among children placed in care or institutions than among their peers.


5 reasons why at-risk children don’t go to the library

Why should at-risk children and adolescents be given books, when they could just go to a library? Find the answers here…


I have always imagined paradise will be a kind of library.

Jorge Luis Borges

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